Our Solutions
At Socialbytes we have implemented health and HIV/ AIDS projects at state, regional and national level. Our projects have won global recognition for innovation and scale. We have worked with national tech agencies such as NIC, NHP, CDAC and CHI.
- National Patient Satisfaction Survey (popularly known as Mera-Hospital) that we conceptualised, designed, architected for scale and built has been shortlisted by USAID as an innovative project for global adoption).
- Our mobile-based screening of the most at-risk population for HIV (“Namagagi Nave” project)that we developed for BMST was showcased in WHO.
- Svetana MIS system that we developed helps monitor and prevent parent to child transmission of HIV infection.
- For the University of Queensland and Basic Needs, UK we implemented a technology driven population survey on mental-health in Laos.
- We designed, developed and implemented Integrated Behavioural and Biological Survey for NACO, Govt. of INDIA. It is one of the the largest survey of it’s kind in the world.
- We have commissioned information dissemination, hospital appointment scheduling through ANMs and ASHA workers and feedback gathering system in states of Orissa and Chhattisgarh. These are now integrated with the state’s 104 services.
Mera Aspataal

Mera Aspataal’ is a multichannel patient feedback application for Improving the quality of care provided in Government (Central and State) Hospitals.
In response to meeting India’s needs towards achieving Universal Access, SAATHII commissioned us to develop a ‘Multichannel Patient Feedback Application for Improving the Quality of Care Provided in Government Hospitals’.
We developed the ‘My Hospital’ application, which works through multiple communication channels, including Short Message Service (SMS), Outbound Dialling (OBD), a mobile application, and a web portal. The application is integrated with the patient data from HMIS systems (NIC, DCAC, TCS, State govt systems, and offline systems). The system enables outbound calls, dashboards for stakeholders, feedback etc. The government will use analysed data from the application to improve the quality of services in healthcare facilities. Thus, ‘My Hospital’ aligns with the citizen-centric MyGov platform of GOI, allowing patients to connect with the healthcare providers and policymakers and have their opinions heard and issues redressed.
Dashboard for Poshan Abhiyaan

POSHAN Abhiyaan is a multi-ministerial convergence mission that ensures the attainment of malnutrition free India by 2022. The POSHAN Abhiyaan initiative of the Ministry of Women & Child Development (Govt. of India). It aims to ensure holistic development and adequate nutrition for pregnant women, mothers and children.
The Ministry of Women and Child Development (MWCD) planned to implement POSHAN Abhiyaan in India’s districts in a phased manner. As part of the execution and monitoring & evaluation strategy, Social Bytes designed and developed a web-based National dashboard to present key indicators of POSHAN Abhiyaan in both tabular and graphical form. The dashboard developed in a manner that it allows data to be presented in time series (monthly tracking) and to drill-down and filter reports/data from State to District to Block to Sector to Anganwadi Center (AWC) level.
application for Nutrition Management(Food heals)

The mobile and web based application is developed with Cuddles Foundation to capture the nutritional needs of pediatric cancer patients and provide them a scientifically validated diet plan. The application has been integrated with Grade of Malnutrition and algorithm based nutrition advice to the parents of the child. The app has features to capture information on disbursement of nutrition supplements to the children. The MIS system has led to 60,000 counsellings sessions, deployed with 30+ charitable hospitals across the country.
Tech to support PPTCT across India(Śvetana m-Maitri)

A ‘Mother & Child’ health care programme known as ‘ŚVETANA’ aims to Prevent Parent to Child Transmission of HIV infection. This is done by identifying HIV positive mothers during early stages of pregnancy and taking them through a medication program till their child is born and is 18 months old. (If mother and child are taken through a structured medication process, it is possible to stop HIV transmission in 95% of cases). Once such a patient is identified the SVETANA health care system tracks around 180 indicators for mother and child combined. The application helps the the field staff by generating followup lists at different stages, namely – pending confirmations for STRs, spouse testing, EDD, EID 1, 2 & 3 and 18 months testing of the baby. Timely tests of the new-born child helps determine whether HIV/AIDs has been transmitted or not and start immediate ART for the baby.
The programme is now operational in 25 states and UTs. Currently 40,000+ mothers are tracked across 50,000+ facilities. We also conducted a pilot in 4 states to integrate the Svetana system with the connect for life IVR system of Janssen & Janssen.